You are here: Help Topics > Setting up your file > Project Management > Project Roll Forward Wizard - Welcome Screen

Project Roll Forward - Welcome Screen

This wizard guides you through the intermediary steps required to complete a project roll forward. Use this wizard to advance your project settings to the next project cycle.

The Project Roll Forward wizard is only accessible with the following roll forward process types:

  • Change status to Completed
  • Manually Processed

For more information about roll forward process types see Project Management - Roll Forward.

If you selected this process type as the roll forward behavior then you are changing the status of a project template to complete. The following option is available to you:

Change status to completed for all SubProj Template, Client Project, Client SubProj that currently have a status other than completed before roll forward

In order to roll forward these related projects of the project template, they must be in a completed status. Specify a Completion Date to update the status of all subproject templates, client projects and client subprojects to completed.

If you are still working on any of the noted project types then this project template is not complete. Click Cancel to exit out of this wizard.

If you selected this process type as the roll forward behavior then you clicked the Roll Forward button from the project template. The following options are available to you:

Change status to completed for all Client Project that currently have a status other than completed before roll forward

Prior to roll forward, if you wish to update the status of all client projects to completed, select this option.

Specify a Completion Date to update the status of all client projects to complete at the specified date.

Roll forward only completed Client Project

Select this option to roll forward only client projects with a status of completed.

Roll forward all Client Project and don't change status to completed

Select this option to roll forward all client projects regardless of their status.