User Profile -- Staff Filtering

Filter to limit the number documents to work on, according to the staff referenced in the documents.

  1. Click the "Select" pop-up list to choose the category by which to filter.
    SelectTo see
    Staff logged inDocuments with the user logged in referenced in the document.
    StaffDocuments with a specified staff member referenced in the document.
    DepartmentDocuments referencing the selected department(s).
    OfficeDocuments referencing the selected office(s).
    PartnerDocuments referencing the selected partner(s).
    ManagerDocuments referencing the selected manager(s).
    NoneDocuments referencing any staff member.
  2. Set the data filter for the document.
    To selectClick
    One staff memberSingle or Range Selection and set the range from and to the same staff member. OR Multiple and check the box beside the one staff member to include.
    A range of staff membersSingle or Range Selection and set the range.
    Several staff members, not necessarily in consecutive orderMultiple and check the boxes beside the staff members to include.

Data for staff members not selected will not be displayed in documents until the filter is changed.

Note: The filter range available depends upon the rights set in the Protection Setup. For example, if your security access is to "View Own" then the range populated with only your staff. All other staff members are omitted from access.