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Billable vs. Non-billable Work Codes

When the list of applicable work codes was created, the person entering the work codes had to specify a status of billable or non-billable for each work code. Billable indicates that work performed under this work code can be recovered by billing a client for the work. Non-billable indicates that the work performed cannot be recovered from the firm and is therefore a loss to the firm. Vacation time is an example of a non-billable work code.

When viewing a WIP report, you may notice that the non-billable time you entered does not appear. WIP reports show all time entered for a particular client. Because non-billable time cannot be assigned to a client, it does not appear on the WIP reports. To view non-billable and billable time, you must access a Time Journal report. Time journal reports are sorted by staff member first and show all time entered by a particular staff member, including non-billable time.

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