You are here: Help Topics > Processing Monthly Information > Running WIP reports > Viewing only vacation time

To view vacation time only

  1. While on the Document Manager, scroll down to find the Work in Process folder.
  2. Open the folder and subfolders until you find the report that best displays the information you want.
  3. Click images\tprop_shg.gif to access the properties for the document.
  4. Filter field click the images\eqedit_shg.gif button to open the Equation Editor.
  5. Select the following:

    Table=Work Code

    Comparison="is equal to"

    Value=98, where 98 is the work code for vacation time.

  6. Click Validate to verify the equation and then click OK twice to close the Equation Editor and the Document Properties dialogs.  
  • Type the filter exactly the way it is shown in correct upper and lowercase characters.
  • To build filter calculations easily, use the Equation Editor. Click images\eqedit_shg.gif to access it.