Error: Cannot open database "TimeDB..." requested by the login

You receive the error dialog: "Cannot open the database "TimeDB..." requested by the login. The login failed."

This error occurs when trying to connect from a workstation to a file that was converted from Time 2009 to Time 2011. The error occurs on workstations that are having problems connecting to SQL.

  1. On your workstation, navigate to your local Time Netsetup folder.

    Note: This is typically located at C:\Program Files (x86)\CaseWare Time 2011\Netsetup\.

  2. Right-click on setup.exe and select Run as administrator to launch the Time Workstation Setup Wizard.
  3. Click Next on the Time Workstation Setup Wizard dialog until it is installed.
  4. Navigate to your local Time folder.

    Note: This is typically located at C:\Program Files (x86)\CaseWare Time\.

  5. Right-click on Pa.exe and select Run as administrator to launch Time in administrator mode.
  6. Reopen your Time file.

    Note: The error occurs, and the Connection Failed dialog appears.

  7. Click Diagnostic, then click Restore Connection.
  8. Select the correct server, and enter the Login ID and Password.
  9. Click OK.

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