You are here: Help Topics > Processing Monthly Information > Generating and processing invoices > Setting the defaults for invoice details

To set the defaults for invoice details

  1. On the File menu, click Company Profile.
  2. First set the defaults for the billing data. Click the Billing tab.
    1. In the WIP Invoice Defaults, enter any this date is set by default be used when creating Invoices from WIP such as the invoice type (Proposed, Interim or Final), Billing Format, CaseView Invoice Style, Final Bill Option, and whether to Prorate among staff.
    2. Specify whether to use Automatic WIP Invoice Numbering and, if so, the default settings to use.
    3. Under Billing Format Defaults, specify whether you want descriptions for Project, Subproject, Work Code Classification or Work Codes to appear on all invoices and for what type of transactions.
    4. Specify for which type of transactions (projects, subprojects, classification codes, or work codes) that you want the amounts to be subtotaled and the descriptions to use.
    5. Under Transactions, specify defaults for the details you want to appear on final invoices that write-off time entries, expense entries, or both (All Transactions).
  3. Set defaults for the appearance of the document. Click the Documents tab.

    Note: Follow the procedure for setting global defaults for Time documents.

  4. Click the Invoices tab.

    Note: Follow the procedure for designing your invoices.

  5. When you have specified all applicable defaults click Close.

    Note: Newly created clients will use these defaults unless you change them.