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Project Management - Clients

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You can assign multiple clients to use a project template. Assigning a client to a project template creates a custom project for that specified client. When you assign a client, all defaults from the project template are inherited by the client project automatically.

For more information about project management, see Project Management - Templates.

Client project numbers are unique identifiers for each client project. Each client project uses the same numbering convention as the project template it inherits from. Specify either system generated number or use a user-defined project number mask.


You can specify different project numbering conventions for each project template by selecting the option "Change Project numbering option per Project Template" in the Company Profile | Project tab. The client project numbering area cannot be modified unless you enable the "Change Project No option per Project Template".

This option generates unique client project numbers sequentially based on the next available number. When you create a client project (that is, assign a client to a project template), the next available number among the existing client project numbers gets assigned to the new client project.

The project number mask supports up to three unique identifiers with the option to specify separators (delimiters) between each identifier.

To ensure each client project number is unique you must, at minimum, specify the following identifiers:

  • Client No. AND Project Template No., OR
  • Project Template No. AND Generated number

For more information on supported identifiers and separators (delimiters) see their corresponding sections in the topic Company Profile - Project tab.

Note: If you are using a Year as an identifier ensure that there is either a year associated with the project template, a default year in the Company Profile or a default mask year.

If you decide to switch between client project numbering options while you have existing client projects, use the Update button to apply the new numbering convention to all client projects.

Note:If you are changing the project numbering defaults per template while you have existing client projects, be aware of the system changes that may have to be made. For more information, see Automatic Project Numbering Behavior.

A list of clients in the firm.

Click the Filter button to refine your list of clients. You can filter your list based on various client properties. See Client Filter for more information.

A list of clients assigned to selected project template. A project number is generated for the assigned client.

Select the appropriate clients from "All Clients" and click to assign the selected client to the project template.

Select the appropriate clients from "Selected Clients" and click to un-assign the selected client from the project template.

Use these buttons to select or deselect all entries in the "All Clients" window.

Note: Keyboard controls (shift and ctrl) are available to select clients as well. To select multiple clients in sequence select the first client, hold down the Shift key, and select the last client in sequence. To select multiple clients not in sequence select each client while holding down the Ctrl key.

Select the client project you wish to update and click Customize; the client project dialog opens. This dialog is also accessible from the Project button in the client setup dialog.

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