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Project Management - Roll Forward

Issues | Staff | Clients | Roll Forward

Roll Forward enables you to expedite the process of creating projects and setting their default attributes for subsequent project cycles. Use this feature to automatically create project templates or client projects for the next project cycle based on existing project templates or client projects.

For more information about project management, see Project Management - Templates.

Select one of the following options to specify when project roll forward occurs. Additional options are available under Template Options, Client Project Options and Budget Amounts Options. These additional option areas are available based on your selections for Process and Process For.

Do not roll forward client projects or project templates at any time. If selected, all options are grayed out.

During year end close, you can verify which client projects and project templates to roll forward. All project options require your confirmation in the Year End Close wizard prior to processing. From the year end close wizard, you can select to roll forward based on the options specified here (under project management setup) or alter project roll forward options from the wizard.

A full list of year end project options are available here. To access the Year End Close wizard select File | Year End Close.

Each time you mark the status of a client project and/or project template as complete, you are presented with the Project Roll Forward wizard dialog. At this time, your client project or project template begins the roll forward process. Each wizard dialog verifies the details you specified in the relevant Options areas.

You can change the roll forward options as needed (changing options in the wizard does not affect your defaults in the Roll Forward tab).

Roll forward client projects and/or project templates manually at any time. If selected, you can click the Roll Forward button to access the Project Roll Forward wizard dialog.

You can change the roll forward options as needed (changing options in the wizard does not affect your defaults in the Roll Forward tab).

Select to roll forward project templates only, client projects only, or both. Depending on your selection, the areas for Template Options, Client Project Options and Budget Amounts Options become available.

Note: The Process For option "Client Project Only" is not available if the project template defines a year in the Year field.

Template roll forward options apply to dates and issues. These options are only relevant when you are processing for "Template and Client Project" or "Template Only".

Select the checkboxes for Start Date and Due Date as appropriate. Each of the selected date types increment to the next year when templates are roll forward.

The Year is automatically checked or unchecked based on whether a year is assigned for project template, client project or neither. You cannot modify this option when manually processing or processing when status of template changes to completed:

Project Template Year Client Project Year Roll Forward behavior for Year
Yes No Automatically checked
No No Automatically checked
No Yes Automatically checked

Select to roll forward 'All' issues or 'Issues with Roll Forward option selected'. You can select the roll forward option for a specific issue from the Issues dialog (for more information, see Description section under Roll Forward here).

Client project roll forward options apply to specific client projects, dates, issues, notes and budgets. These options are only relevant when you are processing for "Template and Client Project" or "Client Project Only".

Select to roll forward either All or only Selected client projects.

If you choose Selected, a Client Project button appears. Click this button to access the "Project to Roll Forward" dialog and select the individual client projects you want to include in the roll forward.

Select the checkboxes for Year, Start Date and Due Date as appropriate. Each of the selected date types increment to the next year when client projects are roll forward.

Select to roll forward 'All' issues or 'Issues with Roll Forward option selected'. You can select the roll forward option for a specific issue from the Issues dialog (for more information, see Roll Forward under Description section here).

Select the Roll Forward checkbox to include any notes in the roll forward.

Select client project roll forward behavior for budget details. "Delete budget detail in the Roll Forward Project" resets all budget details after the client project has roll forward. "Leave budget detail in the Roll Forward Project" copies all budget details to the client project on roll forward.

Budget Amounts roll forward options enable you to increase budget amounts. This option is relevant for all processing types.

When selected, the "Budget amounts without detail" option becomes active. At this point, you can add a percentage increase to the budget for projects on roll forward. As staff and work code rates increase from year to year, your budget amounts will reflect this increase.

Enter a percentage for budget amounts to be increased after roll forward.

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