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Subproject dialog

Budget | Issues

You can customize subprojects for specific clients using the subproject dialog.

Note: The field labels appear as defined in the Company Profile Terminology tab. The labels described here reflect the default terms used in Time.

Many of the fields in this dialog are automatically populated with the default values specified in the project template.

This field automatically displays the selected client from the previous dialog. The text field displays the Client No. and the Client name appears adjacent to this field. Ensure you have the correct client selected before continuing.

The project number associated with the specified client.

Select the available subprojects from the drop-down menu. Use the scroll buttons (|<, <, >, >|) to view information for the first, previous, next or last project in the list.

To create a new project for this client click the "New" button. From the drop-down menu select a template from the existing project templates. After you have select a project template the current project automatically updates the project attributes based on the default values specified in your project template.

To delete an existing project click the "Delete" button.

This field automatically displays the Template description. Use the "Memo" button to add an extended description of the current project. Select the "Default Project' checkbox if you want to use the specified attributes in the current project as your default attributes.

These fields display the initials of staff members assigned to these roles in the project template. You can assign other staff members to these fields using the drop-down menu.

Specify the Due Date and Completion Date for this project. If specified in the project template the Start Date is automatically populated. See the notes section below if you are editing dates for client subprojects.

Select the status of the project. The default selections are Not Started, In Progress and Completed. To add more codes to the status list, click the Status button.

Enter the contracted amount for the project.

When editing client subproject dates ensure they are valid with respect to dates for subproject template and client project areas:

  • Start date: Client subproject start dates must occur earlier than due dates and completion dates for all other project areas. The start date must be the same or occur later than other project areas.
  • Due date: Client subproject due dates must occur later than start dates and occur on or earlier than due dates for all other project areas.
  • Completion date: Client subproject completion dates must occur later than start dates and occur on or earlier than completion dates for all other project areas.

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