Subproject dialog - Issues
Issues are defined tasks for a given subproject. When you open the issues tab in the Subproject dialog you can see any general issues if you specified any in the Subproject Template. Use the issues tab to define specific tasks for the current subproject.
You can use the browse to enter individual issues for the project or subproject.
Enter a description of the issue. Once the issue has been saved, only the original author of the issue can edit the subject field.
Click in the Type column and select an issue type from the drop-down menu. To add, delete, or edit types, right-click anywhere in the Issues pane and select Settings | Customize Types. Click Default to restore the default types.
Assigned to
Select a user from the list of available users assigned to the file. Once selected, this assignment can be changed by a user if:
- the person is assigned to the issue,
- everyone is assigned to the issue, or
- the person has permission to change issues created by other users
Start On / Due On
Select the appropriate dates from each of these categories.
Setting the priority of the issue helps when having to manage a large number of issues.
Status / % Complete
These two fields are used to manage issues as they are being worked on. Select the status from the drop-down list choices of "Not Started", "In Progress", "Waiting On Someone", "Deferred", and "Completed". In addition, the percent complete field enables you to monitor the progress of the issue.
Roll Forward ()
Select this checkbox if you want to include the current issue during Roll Forward of select issues. Only issues (with this checkbox selected) are included if you specified the option 'Issues with Roll Forward option selected' under Client Project Options of project template roll forward setup. See the Issues option under the section Client Project Options here.
Reminder / Time
Select a date for a reminder on the issue. Once selected, the time field becomes active so that a corresponding time can also be selected.
Once the reminder day is reached or passed, the font of the row in the issue pane is set to red and bold.
Enter completion details about the issue into this text area. Click the ellipsis button (...) to access the text input dialog.
These columns are automatically filled in upon creation and end of issue. You cannot modify these fields.
Created By / Created On
The user who created the issue and the date it was created.
Completed By / Completed On
The user who completed the issue and the completion date.
Modified On / Description Modified On / Resolution Modified On
These fields indicate the last modified date and time for the issue in general, when there is an update to the description of the issue, or when there is an update to the resolution area.