You are here: Help Topics > Processing Monthly Information > Entering time sheets and expenses > Pop-up Timer

Pop-up Timer

Time 's pop-up timer records the time worked for clients with full details as to which project (s) were involved, the work code, staff group, as well as the client. When finished, the timer can transfer this time and all the details automatically onto a time sheet so that you don't have to go back later and enter in the time.

An unlimited number of timers can run simultaneously as required.

  1. To record your time, first set up the timer with the details of the work. If more than one is to be used simultaneously, put each on pause until you are ready to begin the recording.
  2. Then record.

    Note: If you need to pause for a break, use the Timer Toolbar to put the timers on pause and then resume when you return.

  3. At the end of the work session, record your time to the Time Sheet and you're done.
  • If the Timer dialog is closed before starting the timer, all information entered in the dialog will be lost. In addition, if you switch from a newly-added timer to another activated timer without first clicking the Start button, all information entered for the new timer will be lost. A warning will appear. Be sure to respond carefully.
  • The staff that belongs to a protection group with rights to process time will have the rights to use the timer. In other words, you have to have rights to enter time in order to use this feature.
  • The user ID of the staff member logged into the file will be entered automatically into the Staff No. field of the Timer.
  • "sup" is the only user that can enter time for any staff member. If you are not a supervisor, you will see only those timers to which you and your protection group are assigned.