You are here: Help Topics > Processing Monthly Information > Entering time sheets and expenses > Timing your work session

Timing your work session

At the minimum, you must select a User name, Client ID and work code and click the Start button in order to activate the timer.

  1. Click the Timer button on the tool bar or click Tools | Timer | Add Timer. The toolbar is active by default. If you don't see it, activate the toolbar by clicking View | Tool bars | Timer Toolbar.
  2. In the Timer dialog, the timer is set to 00:00:00 by default. The hours, minutes and seconds can be changed to any start time desired by the user. This is useful if the user being timed has already been working on the project for some time on the day in question.
  3. If applicable, enter a name for the Timer.
  4. If you are logged in as "sup", select the ID of the staff member being timed. If you are not logged in as "sup", your user ID will be entered automatically into the Staff No. field.
  5. Select the client number from the list.
  6. The date is set by default to the current date but it can be changed if required.
  7. Select the work code. Note that expense work codes are not available in the selection list.
  8. If the use of projects, sub projects, or staff grouping by office, department partner or manager is in use, the defaults for the client are displayed. Use the pop-up lists to change the assignment of the timed work to a project or staff group.

    (To activate the use of projects or staff grouping, check the appropriate boxes on the Company Profile | Firm tab.)

  9. Input the reference in the Reference field if required. Extended descriptions can be entered when the session is done and the entry is recorded.
  10. Click the Start button to start timing your work for the client;


    To add a more timers and start them simultaneously

    1. Click the Pause button;
    2. Click the New button to add the new timer.
    3. Repeat steps 1-9 for each timer.
  11. When all timers are added and started, click Close (X).

Note: If the Timer dialog is closed before starting the timer, all information entered in the dialog will be lost. In addition, if you switch from a newly-added timer to another activated timer without first clicking the Start button, all information entered for the new timer will be lost. A warning will appear. Be sure to respond carefully.