You are here: Help Topics > Processing Monthly Information > Entering time sheets and expenses > Saving your recorded time to the Time dialog

Saving your recorded time to the Time dialog

  1. When you are finished, open the Timer dialog and click the (red) Record time button. You will be asked if you want to save the accumulated time to the Time Entries dialog. This will also happen if you attempt to shut down Time or close the file with timers still activated.
  2. Record the time to the staff member's Time Entries. It will be recorded in hours and minutes to the nearest minute.

    Note: Add any notes or extended descriptions of the time in the pop-up memo dialog.

    Note: The record will appear in the Time Journal and work in process documents.

  3. Click Close.
  • Clicking the Stop button does not allow you to record the accumulated time to the Time dialog. If you meant to update the Time dialog, answer "No" to the confirmation dialog. When it closes, click the Record button.