User Profile -- Document Filtering

Set filters according to who is assigned to the document or by selecting documents on the Document Manager.

Click this button to assign documents on the Document Manager to the user logged in. If protection is on, this option is not available.

  1. Click the "Select" pop-up list to choose the category by which to filter.
    SelectTo see
    Assigned to User/Staff Logged in Only the documents assigned to the user logged in
    Assigned to User/Staff Logged in and UnassignedDocuments assigned to the user logged in plus any documents that are not assigned to a user
  2. Set the data filter for the document by specifying a range for the filter category. Data falling outside of the range will not be displayed in documents until the filter is turned off or the range changed.

Note: The filter range available depends upon the rights set in the Protection Setup. For example, if your security access is to "View Own Clients" then the range synchronized with only your clients. All other clients are omitted from access.