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Report Terminology

Term Description Calculation
Write up/down amount The write up/down amount is the difference between the total of the time, expenses, and interim invoices billed to the final invoice and the final invoice total. Invoice amount - total time, expenses, and interim invoices billed to the invoice
  • Effective Rate
  • Amount plus Write up minus Write down divided by the Hours
  • Amount +/- Write up (down) / Hours
Cost Each staff has a Standard rate and Overtime rate (optional) which is the cost rate to the firm.

Cost rate X Time = Cost amount

See notes below.

Profit Based on Work code, each staff member can be assigned a Billing Rate. When entering Time for that staff member, the Work Code entered will determine the Billing Rate.

Bill Rate X Time = Billed amount

Billed amount - Cost amount = Profit amount.

  • In the Billing analysis report by client (various formats), cost is calculated by: cost = staff hours * staff cost rate.
  • In these reports, the overtime rate is not calculated. The reason is that when running the report by client we do not have the total time per staff to calculate overtime hours. Therefore, the "billing analysis by staff" report and the "billing analysis by client" reports can have different amounts on cost
  • The Billing analysis staff cost calculation has the overtime hours included in the calculation. COST = (standard hours * staff cost rate) + (overtime hours * staff overtime rate) + expense entries