You are here: Help Topics > Processing Monthly Information > Maintaining and repairing your file > Repost Functions
Repost Functions
Staff balances
- Restores all standard hours, overtime rates, cost rates and hours worked for each period of the current future or past years where a staff member has WIP transactions.
- Restores amounts (time and expense entries) and hours (time entries) worked for a project or subproject.
Note: Staff reposts are not run from a diagnostic drill down.
Receivables balances
When you run a normal repost, the following functions are carried out:
- Restores outstanding
amounts, clear dates for invoices, cash receipts and credit notes.
- Outstanding amount = amount – sum of payments’ amounts
- Clear date = last payment day
- Restores outstanding amounts, clear dates for reversal cash receipt and credit notes refund.
- Outstanding amount = 0.00
- Clear date = reversal date for reversal cash receipt and credit note date for refund
- Restores outstanding amounts for deposits.
- Outstanding amount = deposit amount – sum of deposit’s cash receipts’ amounts
- Restores type of payment (full or multiple) for invoices.
- Restores GL amounts
- Deposit: bank account amount = deposit amount, receivables account amount = (deposit amount - applied directly to GL cash receipts /no client number)
- Invoices and Interest amounts: receivables account amount = transaction amount
- Credit Notes: receivables account amount = transaction amount
- Reversal Cash Receipt - (client’s cash receipt): bank account amount = reversal cash receipt amount (negative); receivables account amount = -reversal cash receipt amount (positive)
- Reversal Cash Receipt (miscellaneous cash receipt): bank account amount = reversal cash receipt amount (negative)
- Credit Note Refund: receivables account amount = transaction amount.
- Restores clear flag.
- Clear flag
- = true, if paid in previous periods;
- = false, if paid in any other period
- Clear flag
Diagnostic Drill Down for Receivables Balances
Time carries out the following functions when a drilldown repost is run for specific receivable balances error code:
Error Code | Repost Functions |
WIP balances
When you run a normal repost, the following functions are carried out:
- When you run a repost for all WIP balances in a large file (from Tools | Maintenance | Repost), the process can be slow because this operation must check all transactions in the file. The process is faster if done at the start of a period. For more information, see Repost Dialog.
- Deletes WIP records with blank type.
- Deletes Time and Expense WIP records with blank Work code, Client number, amount and quantity.
- Restores clear flag.
- Clear flag
- = true, if entry billed in previous period
- = false, if entry billed in any other period
- Restores clear date.
- Clear date = billing date
- Recalculates write up or down amounts.
- Clears write up/down amount, date, billing status and CV Hide from billed items with no associated invoice.
Diagnostic Drill Down for WIP balances
Time carries out the following functions when a drilldown repost is run for specific error codes:
Error Code | Repost Functions |
When a repost is run, Time does the following:
When a repost is run, Time performs a repost per client only:
When a repost is run, Time performs a repost per invoice only:
Project balances
- Recalculates the project and subproject budget hours and amounts if the Total calculated from Staff budgets option is selected.
- Replaces project budget hours and amount in the project with the subproject's budget hours and amount if the Calculate Override from Subproj option is selected.
- Project reposts are not run from a diagnostic drill down.