You are here: Getting Started > Changing Preferences > Working with docking frames > The Time Browser

The Time Browser

In order to provide tools for designing the new layout-based interfaces, a web browser has been integrated into Time. Any HTML documents or URLs opened from the Document Manager now open up inside the Time environment rather than in a separate instance of your browser.

The new "Browser" toolbar contains the traditional browser commands - Back, Forward, Stop, Refresh, Home, and an address box to let you navigate as you do on the internet. The address box displays the URL of the current document and can be used to launch documents by using URLs or jump codes.

Time documents are given a URL with a "ct:" protocol prefix. Although this prefix is handled internally by Time, it can be used both outside of Time and within to launch documents or to view them in HTML.

The browser toolbar keeps a history of recently visited documents, areas and sites, and makes it available in a drop-down list. The back and forward buttons work only within the context of a single browser, and so let the user back-track through all documents accessed from Time.


  • Certain characters in the URL (? / \ :) are considered restricted characters. Time handles these restricted characters by replacing then with a ! followed by the ASCII code for the character in the browser bar. Document addresses containing these characters cannot be typed directly into the address bar, but will need to be dragged and dropped there instead. The character * cannot be handled by the address bar. This restraint applies to documents with these characters in their document identifiers as well.

The right-most button on the User Profile toolbar, turns the Workflow layout on (switch points up and is green as above) and off (switch points down and is red).