You are here: Help Topics > Documents > The User Profile > Setting up the User Profile

Setting up the User Profile

  1. Log in.
  2. If it's not visible, activate the User Profile toolbar. (View | Toolbars | User Profile Toolbar)
  3. In the toolbar, click the images\extdesc_shg.gifcorresponding to the type of filter-- document, client, staff, project or date.
  4. In the User Profile dialog, click the "Select" pop-up list to choose the category by which to filter.
  5. Specify a range for the filter category.

    Criteria falling outside of the range will not be displayed on the report until the filter is turned off or the range changed.

    The filter range available also depends upon the rights set in the Protection Setup. For example, if your security access is to "View Own Clients" then the range populated with only your clients. All other clients are omitted from access.

  6. If you are setting a document filter and protection is not on, click the Document Assignment button to assign documents on the Document Manager to the user logged in. If protection is on, this option is not available.
  7. Close the User Profile dialog.

Filters chosen appear in the User Profile Selector for quick reference while working on the file. Documents subject to filtering are color-coded to the type of filter by which they are controlled.

To see reports filtered by client ABCL01:

  1. On the User Profile Toolbar, click the "Client" selector.
  2. Select "Number" as the category.
  3. Set the from and to client fields to ABCL01.