You are here: Help Topics > Processing Monthly Information > Generating and processing invoices > Creating final bills with all WIP items automatically billed

To create a final invoice where Time automatically bills all time and expenses

Final Bill Option 2 automatically bills all outstanding items for the client and calculates the resulting write-up or write-down.

  1. Enter the client number.
  2. If converting an interim invoice, enter the invoice number. If no interim invoice for these charges was created previously, click the New button.
  • If automatic invoice numbering is "ON", then clicking the "New" button inserts the next number in the sequence in the Invoice No. box.
  • If automatic invoice numbering is "ON" and the option to override is selected, then to override the automatic number, answer No to the Create a New Invoice dialog and then enter a new number instead.
  1. In the Type box, choose Final.
  2. Enter the invoice date.
  3. Choose the appropriate billing format.
  4. Enter the amount of the invoice. Taxes are automatically calculated but can be overridden if necessary.
  5. Click the Edit Memo button to enter additional lines of information.

    Note: You can set the font for memos.

  6. In the Final bill option number box, select Option 2 - automatically marks all unbilled time. Choosing Option 2 automatically bills all time for the client and calculates the resulting write-up or write-down.
  7. Choose to have the calculated write-up/down prorated among all staff members or charged to one specific staff member.
  8. Click Post to GL to post the invoice amount to the general ledger.
  9. Click images\cvppbut_shg.gif to view, modify, or print the invoice using CaseView.

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