You are here: Help Topics > Processing Monthly Information > Generating and processing invoices > Interim invoices
To create an interim invoice
- On the Process menu, click Billings/Invoices, and then Billings from WIP.
- Enter the client number.
- Click the New button.
- Enter the invoice number.
- If automatic invoice numbering is "ON", then clicking the "New" button inserts the next number in the sequence in the Invoice No. box.
- If automatic invoice numbering is "ON" and the option to override is selected, then to override the automatic number, answer No to the Create a New Invoice dialog and then enter a new number instead. When overriding is not activated, the invoice number field is read only and appears grayed out.
- In the Type box, choose Interim.
- Enter the invoice date.
- Choose the appropriate billing format.
- Enter the amount of the invoice.
Taxes are automatically calculated but can be overridden if necessary. - Click the Edit Memo button to enter additional lines of information. Tip: You can set the font for memos.
- Click Post to GL to post the invoice amount to the general ledger.
- Click
to view, modify, or print the invoice using CaseView.