You are here: Help Topics > Processing Monthly Information > Generating and processing invoices > Example: Manually adjusting write-offs

Example: Manually adjusting write-offs

  1. Create a new invoice for $1500.00.
  2. Check time transactions totaling $600.00.

    Note: The WriteUp/Dn column total is zero so the Balance cell changes to $900.00.

  3. Enter adjustments totalling $400.00 in the WriteUp/Dn column.

    Note: The balance cell changes to $500.00.

  4. Check more transactions equalling $300.00. The Balance cell total changes to $200.00.
  5. Enter $200.00 in the WriteUp/Dn column. The Balance cell equals zero.

Balance = invoice total - (time or expense amounts + write-up/write-down)