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Viewing WIP Reports

After all time and expenses for the period are entered, run WIP reports to determine the WIP balance for each client. WIP reports are used to determine the amount of time that can be recovered in the form of an invoice and which items you want to be relieved from WIP in the form of an invoice.

WIP reports are sorted by client name or number. They show all outstanding time and expense entries for a client, as well as any interim or final invoices issued during the current period. As of Time 2001, clients' short names and carry forward write up and write down amounts are displayed.

On WIP reports, time or expenses increase WIP while invoices from WIP decrease WIP.

Time and expenses entered during the period, should be relieved from WIP prior to moving to the next period. Issue invoices for items in WIP that can be billed to a client and write-off time and expenses for items in WIP that cannot be billed to a client.

When you move to the next period, time you relieved during the previous period will no longer appear on the WIP report.

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