You are here: Help Topics > Sending your reports to others > Emailing a batch of documents by client > Creating and saving a batch set

Creating and saving a batch set

Time allows the settings that created a specific emailing to be saved for resending or for basing future emails upon. The selection of documents, recipients, filters, subject, message, and signature used for one batch may be saved as a batch set.

  1. On the File menu, click Client Batch Email/Print.
  2. Beside the Batch Set list, click the New button.
  3. Enter a description that will identify this email batch in the Batch Set list.
  4. Enter a subject for your message.
  5. Set the priority of the message.
  6. Click the Message Edit button and enter a message to accompany the documents being sent. This may be a general statement about the emailing or specific information about each document attached.
  7. As applicable, select a signature type to be included at the end of each message.
    • Select Company to tell Time to use the company's default signature added in the Company Profile | Address tab.
    • Select Custom and click the Edit button to enter a signature unique to this batch set.
  8. Click OK to return to the Batch Email dialog where you can make selections for the documents, recipients, and filters.

The Batch set name will not appear in the Batch set list until you save it, either by sending an email or clicking the close button in the Batch email dialog. When you relaunch the batch email dialog, the new batch set will be listed.