You are here: Help Topics > Sending your reports to others > Emailing a batch of documents by client > Overview

Emailing a batch of documents by client

Client Batch Email / Print is a feature that enables you to email and print documents for multiple clients. You can email a specified list of clients from the interface, as well as include attachments of multiple documents consolidated in Portable Document Format (PDF). You can also prepare a print version for mailing or filing purposes.

One message is created per client selected. You choose the clients to receive the message and the documents (if attachments are applicable) to include. The interface gives users control over the order of contents and allows templates to be saved for reuse.

  • Go through the client list searching for each selected client.
  • Extract client information and produce the documents chosen populated with that information.
  • Convert the documents to PDF and combine them in one PDF in the order specified.
  • Attach the PDF to an email message and mail it to the contact address for the client.

Before sending emails from Time, the outgoing mail server and default email address need to be entered in Time. This is done in the Company Profile.

When you are ready to send a batch of emails, open the Batch Email dialog where you will select the clients, select the documents to send and set any filtering that needs to apply. Enter a subject and set the priority. Then test the email settings and send the email.