You are here: Help Topics > Setting up your file > Clients list > Assigning customized alternate codes to clients

Assigning customized alternate codes

Before assigning codes, categories must be set up. This is done in the Company Profile (File | Company Profile). Client and group codes are set on the Client/Group tab and Contact codes are set on the Contact tab.

  1. On the Setup menu, selectClients, Groups, Contacts | Contacts, or Contacts | Contact Companies, and then click the Other Info tab.

    Note: One alternate code may be assigned for each code category.

  2. Under the Category column click images\lookbut2_shg.gif and select a category.
  3. Under the Code column, select a code from the list of alternate codes in that category.

    Note: The description and the current system date are generated automatically.

  4. If necessary, change the code date by clicking the look-up button and selecting a new date.
  5. To add a new code for an existing category
  1. Click the Codes button.
  2. Select the appropriate category for the code.
  3. Click the first blank row and enter a code name.

    Note: Codes can be up to ten characters in length and alphanumeric.

  4. Enter a brief description for the code. Longer descriptions are supported, using the Memo Description dialog, by clicking the images\extdesc_shg.gif button.
  5. Close the dialog to return to the Client dialog.