Staff properties and options
The Staff setup dialog enables you to manage all your user profiles from a single location. Click each tab in the dialog to specify staff member details and staff member options in Time.
For Time users with Cloud Integration enabled, the column Cloud Integrated indicates if the field or option is available from CaseWare Cloud.
General Staff Information
Property |
Cloud Integrated ![]() |
Description |
Staff No. | Yes |
The staff number can be up to four digits in length and numeric, alpha or alphanumeric. If a number for an existing staff member is entered, the applicable staff information is displayed for review or editing. Do not use the characters *, ?, and " in the identification. To modify existing staff information, click the look-up button to select from the Staff List. You can enter a new number to set up a new staff member. Time asks you to verify the new entry so that you don't inadvertently duplicate staff members. Use the scroll buttons (|<, <, >, >|) to view information for the first, previous, next or last staff member in the list.
User Name | No |
Enter the user name for the staff member. If the list has been populated from the list of users in the firm network, the user name as used for the network appears and the option to edit is grayed out.
Status | Yes |
When a new staff member is created, the Status automatically is set by default to Active. To make a staff member inactive, select Inactive and select the inactive date. You can deactivate staff members who do have outstanding time or expense entries as long as those entries are in the current or a previous period. In other words, the entries must be in a period prior to the inactive date. CaseWare Time prevents the deactivation until this is true. When a year end close is performed, any staff members that were marked inactive in the current year are automatically deleted from the file. When a staff member's status is changed to inactive Time runs checks to indicate if the user is designated as a partner or manager, project team leader or in-charge person anywhere and if any of their clients and staff are still active so that the roles may be reassigned. It will not allow the staff member to be made inactive if any of the above conditions are true. It then asks you to verify whether any budget entries for the staff are to be reassigned. If applicable it asks for the staff member to reassign the budget entries and carries out the reassignments. If all of a senior staff person's (partner or manager, project team leader or in-charge) clients and staff are already inactive, then that staff person may be made inactive. For more information see the topic "Considerations when making staff members inactive". |
Inactive Date | Yes |
Displays the date that the staff member was made inactive. The default is the first day of the next period. Click You can deactivate staff members who do have outstanding time or expense entries as long as those entries are in the current or a previous period. In other words, the entries must be in a period prior to the inactive date. Time prevents the deactivation until this is true. |
Pre Name | No | Enter the personal title of the person (e.g., Mr., Mrs., Miss, or Ms.). The pre name can be a maximum of 15 characters long. |
First Name | Yes | Enter the first name of the person. |
Last Name | Yes | Enter the surname of the person. |
Post Name | No | Enter the post name of the person (e.g., C.A., Ph.D.). |
SIN/SSN | No | Enter the Social Insurance or Social Security Number. It may be up to 18 characters long. |
Start Date | No |
Enter the day that the staff member joined the organization. |
N/A | Click this button to print the selected staff member's entire record. |
Use this command to input specific information relating to each staff member.
Enter staff member's position and select the office, department, partner, or manager to whom time and expenses for the user are assigned. When entering new time and expenses for this staff member, the profile information will be filled in by default. This can be overwritten.
Grouping selections are available depending on the defaults selected in the Company Profile | Firm tab . If the use of departments is activated then the partner and manager default to the partner and manager for the department. If departments are "OFF", then the user can select the partner and manager to whom he or she is assigned.
Select the staff member's role using the drop-down menu. Click the Position button to add custom roles to the list of available codes.
Office, Department, Partner, Manager
If staff grouping by office, department, partner or manager is activated, select the group(s) to whom the user's time and expenses are assigned.
The selection boxes available depend upon the combination of staff groups selected in the Company Profile. Only those groupings activated in the Firm tab are available for selection here. Please see the Staff grouping combinations table for the possible combinations of staff groups.
If you are using departments assigned to offices and you've assigned partners and managers in the Assign Areas dialog, then the partner and manager are filled in on the Profile tab automatically and are grayed out. To change them go to the Assign Areas setup.
Enter information about the staff member's rates for work performed.
An unlimited number of billing rates can be assigned to each staff member. The billing rates represent the value at which the staff member's work is billed out. This information affects the billing of clients while the Cost Rates represent how much the staff member is actually paid on an hourly basis.
Each staff member can have different bill rates for the same job functions. Zero-rate work codes may also be assigned to record time worked on a job without charge to the client.
Property |
Cloud Integrated ![]() |
Description |
Work Code Rates | Yes |
Type or select the work code for the rate. Click the look-up button to access a list of work codes from which to choose. Note: Rates cannot be set for inactive work codes. If a staff member already has a defined rate for a work code that is now inactive, that rate cannot be modified or deleted.
Standard Rate | Yes |
The first rate is the default standard rate.
Note: The Effective Date field is read-only. |
Cost Rates | No |
Enter standard and overtime hours cost rates, which are used on Time analysis reports. The cost rates represent the cost of that staff member to the firm on an hourly basis. This is especially useful for generating reports that outline how much time a student has spent on bookkeeping, audit, or review tasks towards the completion of a required portion of their education.
Standard Hours
This information is used to calculate standard hours and overtime hours on the analysis reports. If no standard hours are entered, the time analysis report displays all time as overtime hours.
Time will not allow you to enter hours in excess of
- 24 hours per day,
- 168 hours per week and
- 8784 hours per year.
Property | Description |
Standard Hours Options |
The default daily, weekly, and yearly hours, as well as the number of days off, are set by default in the Staff tab of the Company Profile. Use this area to define staff specific hours. You can choose from one of two options:
Note: You can override the automatically calculated values for the "Weekly" and "Yearly" fields.
Standard Period Hours | Enter the number of hours per period. These period hours are based on the processing periods set up in the Company Profile. Any hours over these standard hours show as overtime hours on the Billing and Time analysis reports. |
Other Info
Enter additional information about the staff.
Timer Recording Options
You can set the timer to record time in the segments matching your firm's billing policy.
Record Actual Time
This is the default selection. Time recorded will not be rounded.
Record Time in ___ Hour Segments
If this is selected, time recorded will be rounded to the nearest segment before it is entered in the Time entries dialog. For example, if time is being recorded in half an hour segments (0.50) and 29 minutes of actual time is recorded, the entry in the Time dialog will be half an hour.