You are here: Help Topics > Setting up your file > Clients list > Determine if any transactions were processed in the current year

To determine if any transactions were processed in the current year

  1. While on the Document Manager, scroll down to find the Analysis Documents folder.
  2. Open the folder and the Work in Process Analysis subfolder. Open the subfolders in it until you find the report that best displays the information you want.
  3. Click images\tprop_shg.gif to access the document properties for the document.
  4. In the From Client box, select the client you want to deactivate.
  5. In the From Date box, enter the earliest possible date for transactions.
  6. In the To Date box, enter the year end date.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Double-click to view the report. If any transactions are visible, this indicates that transactions were processed during the year, and it is therefore necessary to wait until the year end close to delete the client. You can still deactivate the client now assuming that there are no outstanding receivable items.
