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Cash receipts

Cash receipts are used to process cheques received for work performed. They indicate money received and deposited to the bank account. Cash receipts can be used to record sundry payments, retainers, and payment for work performed. Cash receipts can be applied to multiple invoices or can be left as a debit on the client's account. You can enter cash receipts in bulk to represent your weekly bank deposit. Enter one deposit number and one date and enter all the cheques that were part of the bank deposit under this deposit number for the date of the bank deposit. In other words, you can use one Deposit number to record cheques from multiple clients over a certain period of time.

There are 3 types of Cash Receipts:

  • Regular cash receipts, which are applied directly to outstanding invoices.
  • Sundry payments, like Rent, are not assigned to a client and must be applied to the general ledger instead of an invoice.
  • Advance payments and retainers on account are not applied to invoices. When an invoice is generated, you must perform an account reconciliation to apply the advanced payment to the invoice.

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