Mode Customization tab - Document Settings dialog

Use this command to set defaults for mode accessibility. These defaults are specific for the document only, not for CaseView as a whole.

Form Mode with editing enabled accessibility

Set the preferences for Form Mode with editing enabled turned on.



Not Accessible

Make Form Mode with editing enabled locked so that it cannot be accessed by any users in this document. Note: In order for this to work, protection needs to be turned on in the document and the user needs to be restricted from changing the document preferences.

Always Accessible

Allow Form Mode with editing enabled to be accessed by all users in this document.

Accessible if access level is at least __

Set a minimum access level that a user must have in order to be able to access Form Mode with editing in this document. Select the access level from the dropdown list.

Design Mode accessibility

Set the preferences for restricting access to Design Mode.



Not Accessible

Make Design Mode locked so that it cannot be accessed by any users in this document. Note: In order for this to work, protection needs to be turned on in the document and the user needs to be restricted from changing the document preferences.

Always Accessible

Allow Design Mode to be accessed by all users in this document.

Always Accessible (View Locked)

Allow Design Mode specific information for cells to be visible in Form mode. If selected, users can click on a cell and calculations and cell numbers display.

Accessible if access level is at least __

Set a minimum access level that a user must have in order to be able to access Design Mode in this document. Select the access level from the drop down list.

Note: Setting Design Mode to "not accessible" does not prevent users from entering the Design Mode. Only locking Design Mode completely restricts access to the mode. For more details, see Locking the Design Mode

Mode when opening document

Select the default mode in which the document opens.


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