Rounding Command

Use this command to set rounding criteria between specific CaseView cells that are linked to the Working Papers or Time databases. Rounding does not affect ordinary numeric cells. Rounding modifies the contents of single cells. Rounding relations allow you to specify where the rounding difference between two cells is to be displayed.

To set up rounding

About rounding relations

Apply Rounding

Activates the rounding feature.

Allow Enabling and Disabling of rounding in Form Mode

Allows the user to disable the rounding function while in CaseView’s Form Mode.

Round To

Select the type of rounding. Rounding can be performed in terms of currencies (1’s), thousands of currencies (1,000’s), tens of thousands of currencies, (10,000's), millions of currencies (1,000,000’s), hundreds of millions of currencies (100,000,000) or billions of currencies (1,000,000,000's).

Display zeroes

When rounding in the 1000’s or 100,000’s, all digits will be displayed.

Apply Rounding Relations

Activates the rounding relations.

Allow Enabling and Disabling of rounding relations in Form Mode

Allows the user to disable rounding relations while in CaseView’s Form Mode.

Relation List

The fields in this area show the rounding relations created. Each field represents the options entered in the Relation Properties area. A rounding relation works as follows: the difference between cell 1 and cell 2 (cell1-cell2) will be plugged into cell 3.

Click a rounding relation from the list to display the properties in the Relation Properties area where you can also change any of the properties if necessary.

# The rounding relation number.


The brief description that internally identifies the rounding equation is displayed.




The cells entered in the Difference fields for cell 1 and cell 2 in Relation Properties are displayed.




The cell used to plug the difference is displayed.



The status of the selected rounding relation is displayed: Yes indicates that the relation is active and No means that the rounding relation is inactive. To turn the rounding back on when Apply equals No, select the line and select the Apply This Relation check box.

To change the value of multiple rounding relations simultaneously, use Ctrl+click or Shift+click to select the rounding relations to modify. Once selected, click Apply This Relation. The selected rounding relations will toggle between active and inactive.


The rounding limit specified for this relation is displayed. Any rounding differences that exceed this limit will not be rounded. An error message indicating that there is a rounding relation error will appear if this occurs.



Click Add to create a new relation that is added to the list.



Deletes the selected rounding relation.


Delete All

Deletes all existing rounding relations.


Relation Properties

Difference Cells

Type or select the existing cell to represent cells 1 and 2 in the rounding relation.

Click the Pick Cell button to launch the Cell Picker dialog.

Click the Go to Cell button to highlight the cell name.

Plug Cells

Type or select the existing cell to use for "CELL3" and the condition on when to use each plug. Click the Advanced button to enter detailed properties for the cell.

Click the Pick Cell button to launch the Cell Picker dialog.

Click the Go to Cell button to highlight the cell name.


Enter a brief description of the rounding equation. An identifier can include, for example, references to the cell numbers in the rounding relation. This is used internally to identify the rounding relation.

Display Label

This description displays in the Recalculation Error dialog each time a rounding error occurs to help you identify the area of the document that contains the error. The display label is also used as a unique identifier for the rounding relation during knowledge library updates. Users have the option in the Section dialog | Label tab to specify the rounding relations that should be updated during an update for each section based on this label.


We recommend using display labels for all rounding relations. With a label attached, when a cell is renumbered, the label is updated correctly during knowledge library updates.


Type a rounding limit. Any rounding differences that exceed this limit will not be rounded. An error message indicating that there is a rounding relation error will appear if this occurs.


If the user does not complete all the fields in a rounding relationship before attempting to add a second one, CaseView automatically deletes the first incomplete rounding relationship and displays an error message telling the user it has done so.

Apply This Relation

Select to make the relation active.


  • In the Rounding Relations dialog box you can now jump to the cells identified in a given relation. New buttons with down arrows are located to the right of each difference and plug cell field. Click one and CaseView jumps to the cell listed in the field. When multiple plug cells are selected, a menu will appear providing a list of available plug cells to jump to.

    Note, if the cells are hidden, CaseView will not jump to the cell's location.

  • In Form Mode with editing enabled, if the user does not have rounding permissions, both allow enabling and disabling options are not available. However, when the rounding dialog is open, a cell number will display as a ToolTip when users mouse over cells in the document.
  • A rounding error icon is shown in the status area listing all rounding errors collected.

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