XBRL Diagnostics Dialog

Lists errors, warnings, and information diagnostics encountered while processing CaseView documents and subdocuments into an XBRL encoded .xml file or Inline XBRL file. For a complete list of diagnostics see XBRL Diagnostics List.

Types of diagnostics

The following are details on the three types of diagnostics:

Errors will prevent the generation of a valid XBRL instance file. These errors must be corrected before the export can proceed.

Warnings will not stop the export. However, they may be indicative of semantic errors in the document.

Information does not indicate any errors. The information is provided in the event that something was done that was not intended.


List all the items flagged for attention during the publishing process with icons to help identify errors, warnings and information diagnostics. This list can be sorted to show errors at the top, then warnings, then information diagnostics. As each diagnostic is highlighted, details of the problem encountered and the severity of the problem will display in the Extended Information section.


Click to have CaseView display the tagged area so that it can be corrected. If the problem is with context, the Context dialog opens to allow modifications to be made.

Note: When the XBRL Document Tagging dialog is locked, clicking Correct will close the XBRL Export and jump to the associated tagged item.


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