You are here: Features > CaseWare Time > Invoices > The detailed invoice - global changes available from the menus

The Detailed Invoice - Global Changes Available from The Menus

From within the Company Profile, select the Invoices tab. Select the Edit Invoice button to make global changes to all newly created invoices.


Select to edit either the Basic or Detailed invoice layout.


Edit the layout of a specific header or footer. Click either the Header or Footer list and select the header or footer to view or edit.


Click either the Header or Footer list and select the one to attach to the report.


Client information only on first page

Check the box if you want the client information to appear on just the first page. Client information affected includes the document date, client address, attention line, client number, and invoice number. If the box is not checked the information will appear on all pages of the document.

Balance Forward

Check this box to add a balance forward line to your multi-page invoices.

Header first page only

Select this option if you want the header to apply to just the first page. It will not appear on subsequent pages.

Footer last page only

Select this option if you want the footer to apply to just the last page. It will not appear on previous pages.

Other Options

Resize Column

Takes the user quickly to a dialog where column widths can be adjusted.

Default number of lines in the table

The Detailed Invoice is preset to allow up to 100 lines of detail in the body. Increase or decrease that by selecting a new amount from this drop-down list.

Edit table

Click to change settings for the selected table. Because much of the body of the detailed invoice is in a table, this must be clicked first to change cell and text attributes within the table. For example, to change the font of the body of the detailed invoice, click Edit Table first, then select the part(s) of the table to change and change the attribute.

When you are done, click the Reload Table button to save your changes and return to the detailed invoice.