Browses command

Use this command to create and modify browses.

This dialog is also accessible on the Home tab, click Cell, and select the Popup option. On the Popup tab, click Edit Browses.

The listing displays the name of each Working Papers or Time browse list contained in the browse definition file and the attributes configured for it. Select a browse to modify or click Add Browse to add a new Working Papers or Time browse to the Browse definition file.

Edit Fields

Opens the Edit Browse dialog to modify the selected Working Papers or Time browse list as it will appear in the popup cell.

Add Browse

Adds a browse to the Browse definition file. Then type or select properties in the Browse Attributes section.

Delete Browse

Removes the selected browse from the definition file.

Copy Browse

Creates a new browse by copying the properties of the selected browse.

Merge From File

Merges properties of an existing browse definition file into the current browse. The Open Browse Definition File dialog will appear. Each time CaseView finds an identically named browse in the two files, it will prompt whether to replace the browse in the open definition file with its counterpart in the other Browse definition file.

Save to File

Saves the open set of browses as a Browse Definition file. The Save as Browse File dialog will appear.

Browse Attributes

Enter or modify properties to configure the browse.


Enter or modify the name for the browse list. Names can be up to 40 characters long.


Select a Working Papers or Time database from the drop-down list for the browse popup.


Use the drop-down list to select the index information from the Working Papers or Time database that will be entered into the CaseView cell upon selection.


Click images\extdesc_shg.gif to select a field from the database to act as a key. The key database field is one that is common to both the primary and the secondary database and serves to link the information in the two databases together.


Select a Working Papers or Time database from the drop-down list to be used as a secondary database in the browse.


If applicable, use the drop-down list to select the information from the Working Papers or Time database. This information will be entered into the CaseView cell as secondary information.


Enter a calculation to filter the records displayed on the browse list. In Working Papers for example, if the journal entries list is selected as the database, a filter can be applie to show only posted journal entries in the browse popup. Click images\extdesc_shg.gif to access the Calculation Editor and create a browse filter.

None Label

If selected, the None Label field adds another record to the top of the browse displaying the text entered in the None Label field. With this in place, users can select an item from the browse list, or select None. To enter a calculation to display for the None label, click images\extdesc_shg.gif to access the Calculation Editor.

Risk Toolbar

Active only when creating a browse in the RA database, when selected the browse displays the risk tool bar at its top.

Risk Bar Messages

Active only when creating a browse in the RA database, when selected Risk bar messages will be displayed within the browse.


  • The filter calculation searches the database before the CaseView document. Therefore, when creating a filter that refers to both a Working Papers or Time database and one or more CaseView cells that are identically named to fields in the selected database, the :: cell operator must be used before the cell references. If no :: operator is used, the calculation refers by default to the database field.
  • For example, the AM database contains fields C1 and C2. To create a filter referring to cells C1 and C2, use ::C1 and ::C2 in the filter calculation. When referring to a field in the filter calculation, prefix the field name with the name of the database, as in AM->C1. This removes any ambiguity between cell C1 and AM Database field C1.
  • To make it easier to use browses, CaseView allows single character type ahead on any character type that matches a first character of any browse item. Users can type the first letter of their menu choice, and enter to select it. Items with the same first character can be selected sequentially by hitting that character multiple times.

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